Enjoy the great outdoors in varying sceneries

Central Finland Provincial Trail covers a cross-country skiing and hiking trail from Saarijärvi to Kannonkoski leading through the Pyhä-Häkki National Park and nice rest places at lakes. The trail is partly difficult to follow because of several forestry measures in the area. Part of it, starting from Saarijärvi, is a very popular cross-country ski trail in the winter season. The ski trail located on the side of Saarijärvi is being maintained buy the municipality.


The Nature Trail Map of North Central Finland was printed in 2008, due to which part of the routse and services presented are not necessarily available or maintained anymore, such as the hiking trails in Karstula and the cross-country off-road riding trail Kolkanlahti – Lehtola.


Map of the trail

Route starts from:

Lähdekuja 2 in the city centre.

+358 44 4598 296/City of Saarijärvi

Saarijärven kaupunki / Matkailupalvelut
Sivulantie 11, PL 13,  43101 Saarijärvi